
nedmalloc: fast memory allocator

from nedmalloc website: “nedmalloc is a VERY fast, VERY scalable, multithreaded memory allocator with little memory fragmentation… It is more than 125 times faster than the standard Win32 memory allocator, 4-10 times faster than the standard FreeBSD memory allocator and up to twice as fast as ptmalloc2, the standard Linux…

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After tuning a lot of parameters, I got decent results that has been increased by adding an horizontal and vertical blur filter. sweeeeet.

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The real-time re-projection cache

The real-time re-projection cache

I’ve added real-time reprojection cache to the engine. For SSAO looks like a winner technique because it uses expensive shader. Red pixels aren’t re-computed because they are stored in an auxiliar buffer to be reprojected. When camera moves slowly or it’s stopped the FPS reaches to infinite and beyond… :p

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New code::blocks release

Code::Blocks 8.02 has been released! http://www.codeblocks.org From codeblocks page: “Thursday, 28 February 2008 18:34 Our long awaited release is finally here! Representing the hard work of 14+ developers for more 2+ years since our last official release (and many changes in the roadmap in between), it is finally made available…

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Realtime irradiance

Realtime irradiance

…and (almost) for free! Je,je Simple ideas are the best. By only adding to the SSAO shader 2 lines of code we can get local irradiance by free (taking count the color too). This is the realtime radiance calculation: albedo: Ambient occlusion + irradiance + shadows = Global ilumination??

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SSAO Reloaded

SSAO Reloaded

The lastest bugs were catched… so… there are new screenshots of chelvis SSAO I think it looks-like better, no? [Also, notice the higher frame rate after minor optimizations]

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SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion)

This weekend I’d been trying to implement ssao in my engine by giving the excelent tutorial of IƱigo Quilez and reading the gamedev forum. At now the effect has some glitches (maybe some projection bug), but for the moment I feel happy with results. Happy coding

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This is a demo reel made when I worked in a gambling related company. Graphics are made by Laurent Samani. The game uses my old directX7 engine, that calculates all geometry in CPU, only rasterize 2d hardware accelerated triangles. The game itselfs was pretty simple, 4 themes in the main…

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