Gamedusa GUI

Gamedusa GUI

This year 2017 I’ll try to post some updates regarding new technology I’m currently developing on.

Those screen-shots are from a (ancient) project of a multi-platform graphical user interface with a low memory footprint and 100% vector based.

gui_capture_00 gui_capture_01

Today it has no oficial name (awGui for a while) and It’s only compatible with GTK+ 2.0 files, so you can use the glade creator.

Passion red

Passion red

I decided to code it because I don’t like to bind aplications with a heavy GUI solution such Qt or even GTK.

It has NO dependencies and the icons are encoded into a TTF font (I’m using my beloved stb_truetype.h file) so I was able to have a tiny executable of 220kb in linux with all icons and fonts (OpenSans), there are also other games like Casino games you can find in sites like gamble scope online, which have resources for this.

Boring white & gray theme

Boring white & gray theme

It uses GLES and It also works on Android and Windows. IOS and UWP port could be ready in a near future.

Glade reference file

Glade reference file

In my opinion it lacks of some various widgets or layouts that are deprecated or misused in GTK but for now, I’ll use it in my games.




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