Posts by: admin



Surfing through the xubuntu repository I found this new fantastic c++ multiplatform ide: In Windows it uses gcc 4.4 and has an integrated Subversion plugin!!! Currently I’m trying it with my home projects. OhYesYesYesYes

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Lucera Project

“Lucera Project is a small videogame company that wants to realize some basic libraries to help other ‘indie’ programmers to make games easily. Performing all difficult and cumbersome stuff to allow developers to implement their games without worrying about details like load sounds and textures, render on screen, capture inputs,…

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Light shafts

Light shafts

In my holidays I’m trying to implement new techniques for my terrain engine. Unfortunately, in my screen space terrain implementations, the well-known artifact of “vertex swimming” appears and it’s very noticiable I think that I can reuse the technique in order to code a cool screen space water effect in…

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Screen space terrain

Lastest days I’ve been busy coding a demo of a “screen space terrain”. There isn’t geometry here, only heightmaps. A grid is projected over a plane by a projector camera (in red). At now I’m trying to fix vertex interpolation and making a more better projector. Frame rate is constant…

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How to configure SMC EZ-Connect usb wifi stick into Ubuntu

My current distro is xubuntu 8.10, but it could be apply to an older xubuntu 8.04, kubuntu, and ubuntu distributions: 1. Install ubuntu 2. Install ndiswrapper from cd instalation folder. Click over this two files: “/pool/main/n/ndiswrapper-common_1.50-1ubuntu1_all.deb” and “/pool/main/n/ndiswrapper-utils-1.9_1.50-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb” 3. Copy your “.inf” file from SMC driver CD to a local…

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Hey, that’s me This month I’ve been busy by preparing my conference for the first 3DisplayForum. In the website you’ll can download the conferences of the other partners soon. My conference was titled “Photo-realistic illumination in real-time” and you can download the PDF of the conference here (sorry, at now…

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OpenGL 3.0

Unlike other coders I’m very glad with the new openGL specification, because I hate strong object-oriented design in a low level API. Until now I design my 3d engines using this design paradigm but with the use in some games I learned that the most useful code was the oldest…

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