Posts Tagged "shaders"

My own planet (II)

My own planet (II)

New improvements has been added to my 3d planet (that suspiciously, looks-like to our earth :p). * Added cloud layer. It completes one full round each 30 minutes. * Data (frontier, coast lines, etc) near blending when the camera is near to the planet. * Stars texture map for not…

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My own planet

My own planet

Because I know that I’ll never conquer the world, I tried to build my own earth in order to conquer and tyrannize it… muahahhahaha (very, very evil laught) It uses the planetary scattering algorithm of Sam O’neill, and at now I’ll try to find some use to it… [quivers, Google…

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After tuning a lot of parameters, I got decent results that has been increased by adding an horizontal and vertical blur filter. sweeeeet.

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The real-time re-projection cache

The real-time re-projection cache

I’ve added real-time reprojection cache to the engine. For SSAO looks like a winner technique because it uses expensive shader. Red pixels aren’t re-computed because they are stored in an auxiliar buffer to be reprojected. When camera moves slowly or it’s stopped the FPS reaches to infinite and beyond… :p

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Realtime irradiance

Realtime irradiance

…and (almost) for free! Je,je Simple ideas are the best. By only adding to the SSAO shader 2 lines of code we can get local irradiance by free (taking count the color too). This is the realtime radiance calculation: albedo: Ambient occlusion + irradiance + shadows = Global ilumination??

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Drawing circle primitives using GL_POINTS in GLSL

Drawing circle primitives using GL_POINTS in GLSL

One of the best things that I love in openGL due to performance is to draw using GL_POINTS instead standard triangles or lines, because it’s an ideal primitive for debug purposes or 3d geometry editor (I think that it’s more easy than GL_POINT_SPRITES to show all vertices in our geometry,…

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Realtime 3d hair physics simulation

Realtime 3d hair physics simulation

My first program to show to the world This demo was a bit old, but I always remember with wet eyes :> I use verlet integration for physics, where each spring matches to any edge in the face patch (I import the hair as a single model from a modeling…

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